

Urea formaldehid lepilo v prahu , pripravljen za pošiljanje ~

Sečnina formaldehid lepilo v prahu
25kg torba, 28Tons/40'FCl brez palet
2 fcl, cilj: jugovzhodna Azija
Pripravljen za pošiljanje ~


Opis izdelka
Urea-formaldehyde resin (UF), also known as urea-formaldehyde resin, is the polycondensation of urea and formaldehyde under the action of a catalyst (alkaline or acidic catalyst) to form an initial urea-formaldehyde resin, and then forms an insoluble and infusible final phase under the action of a curing agent or additive. Termosetska smola. Cured urea-formaldehyde resin is lighter in color than phenolic resin, translucent, resistant to weak acids and weak alkali, has good insulation properties, excellent wear resistance, and is cheap. It is the most commonly used variety among adhesives, especially in In the manufacturing of various artificial boards in the wood processing industry, urea-formaldehyde resin and its modified products account for about 90% of the total adhesive usage. Vendar je sečnina-formaldehid smole enostavno razgraditi, če je izpostavljena močnim kislinam in alkalijem. Ima slabo vremensko odpornost, slabo začetno viskoznost, veliko krčenje, krhkost, odpornost na vodo in enostavno staranje. Umetne deske, proizvedene s sečnino-formaldehidno smolo sproščajo formaldehid med postopkom izdelave in uporabe. Težava, zato jo je treba spremeniti.


Sečnina-formaldehidna smola je najpogosteje uporabljena vrsta lepila. Especially in the manufacturing of various artificial boards in the wood processing industry, urea-formaldehyde resin and its modified products account for about 90% of the total adhesive usage.

Čas objave: september-27-2024